Pneumatic Active Skimmer SPP3 & SPP4 – COMBO

Dedicate for LNAPLs recovery in wells and piezometers

The Pneumatic Active skimmers model SPP- Combo si a combination between a pnematic pump
pumps (SPP3 TL or SPPA-TL) and SPG gravity skimmer :
-Pneumatic pump SPP3-TL (Top loading) or SPP4-TL : The pneumatic pumps SPP are in TL
version (top loading) and are design for skimming products (LNAPLs) or Total recovery. These SPP
pumps are fully automatic and pneumatic and ATEX Certified.
-Skimmer SPG : Gravity skimmer which allow to recover only hydrocarbons at the interface (LNAPLs).
The SPG skimmer is moving up and down with an accurancy of 1.5 mm.The RSS membranes are fully
automatic with a very good efficient..
The Pneumatic active skimmers is lowered into the well or piezometer at the interface.
The SPG skimmer must be located at the interface (The float must be located at the middle of
the distance) to recover the maximum of product.
The product fall down into the pump by gravity and rises the internal float of the pump to
the triggering of the pump.
The product is then forced back to the surface.
-Allows selective recovery directly in boreholes or piezometers,
-Fully automatic and pneumatic – ATEX Certified
-Low maintenance and easy to install
Air consumption : 2.5 m3/h @6 bars (depending of the depth)

SPG Gravity skimmerDistance of fluctuation 0,50 mDistance of fluctuation 0,50 mDistance of fluctuation 0,50 mDistance of fluctuation 0,50 m
O.D 3’’ 3’’ 4’’4’’
Volume /cycle (liter) 0,
Depth of installation60606060